Archives Leadership Institute Grant Announcement

The National Historical Publications and Records Commission seeks proposals from organizations to continue the Archives Leadership Institute. First funded in 2008, the Archives Leadership Institute seeks to bring to tomorrow's leaders the insights and understanding necessary for increasing public use and appreciation of archives. The Commission expects to make one award for up to three … Continue reading Archives Leadership Institute Grant Announcement

National Archives Awards $2.62 Million in Grants for Documentary Editing and Archival Projects

Washington, DC…Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero has awarded 30 grants totaling $2.62 million for historical records projects in 18 states and the District of Columbia. The National Archives grants program is carried out through the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. A complete list of new grants is available online at … Continue reading National Archives Awards $2.62 Million in Grants for Documentary Editing and Archival Projects


Lots of big changes here at the NHPRC over the past few months. You can read all about our new grant programs, meet our new Commission Member, and check out stories about some ongoing projects at

New Deadline for Comments on Publishing Historical Records Draft Guidelines

Given the extensive changes being proposed and in response to requests from the historical and documentary editing communities, the NHPRC has extended the comment period for the Online Publishing of Historical Records and Publishing Historical Records Online: Transition Support grant program drafts. The new deadline to submit comments is Monday, March 31, 2014.  We ask that … Continue reading New Deadline for Comments on Publishing Historical Records Draft Guidelines

Online Publishing of Historical Records

The NHPRC has long been focused on providing public access to the nation’s most significant historical records. With this purpose in mind, it has funded documentary editions of those records for many years, first in print editions and later as well in digital formats online. The Commission wishes to expand its support of online publishing … Continue reading Online Publishing of Historical Records

Literacy and Engagement

The National Archives has launched several new projects to encourage people to become “citizen archivists” and join in crowdsourcing efforts to improve historical records content online. At the same time, it has become clear that greater levels of digital literacy and understanding are necessary to ensure that people can not only access historical records but … Continue reading Literacy and Engagement

Access to Historical Records

The National Historical Publications and Records Commission proposes a revised grant program to promote the preservation and use of the nation's most valuable archival resources. This grant program is designed to support repositories in preserving and processing primary source materials of national significance. The program emphasizes the creation of online tools that facilitate the public … Continue reading Access to Historical Records