Electronic Records: where we started and where we are going

I noticed recently that my doctor’s practice has gone entirely electronic. There were gaps in the records of course, but I was pretty impressed at how complete the system was. And it got me to thinking about the history of electronic records in archives. I had the privilege of working for the National Archives custodial … Continue reading Electronic Records: where we started and where we are going

Three Huzzas from the Troops

Fireworks, ice-cold watermelon, and cookouts provided the makings of a perfect July 4 holiday for many Americans this last weekend, but readers of documents on Founders Online can learn that some early patriots celebrated independence in a much more rambunctious way. In fact most Americans did not learn about the Second Continental Congress’ actions until … Continue reading Three Huzzas from the Troops

The rise of digital historical resources

From the very first year of NHPRC funding, the Commission has embraced new technologies to increase public access to historical records. In the beginning, the strategy was to fund both historical documentary editions in print publications and the microfilming of collections of historical records. Microfilm editions were effective ways for editors to assemble records from … Continue reading The rise of digital historical resources

JFK on the National Historical Publications and Records Commission

On June 17, 1963, President John Kennedy hosted a luncheon at the White House for the editors and sponsors of the historical documentary editions of the papers of the Founders and other leading figures in American history. At the luncheon, he endorsed the idea of funding for the National Historical Publications Commission (as the NHPRC … Continue reading JFK on the National Historical Publications and Records Commission

Founders Online: Looking Forward, with your help

Tomorrow marks the first birthday of the online tool, Founders Online – www.founders.archives.gov. This resource contains over 150,000 transcribed letters and other writings of six Founders of the nation – George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and Benjamin Franklin. The transcribed documents are all in one place, fully searchable, and freely … Continue reading Founders Online: Looking Forward, with your help